Printed Designs
I have created many print pieces for special occasions and t-shirt designs for athletic events. In 1995 I started Not So Square Card Company, a greeting card company that promoted sophisticated, subtle and sentimental gay greeting cards-that even your grandmother could buy. At that time there was nothing on the market that celebrated gay love and life that was not sexual. We used the pink triangle as a unifying design theme throughout our cards.
The full human figures were produced by Quantum Graphics of Eden Prairie, Minnesota. I proposed the concept to create these commemorative photo figures of the seniors so that parents did not have to make full size cardboard figures of their child with apparel and accessories. It was a brilliant way to simplify a complicated, time consuming and difficult project for many of the parents. Quantum Graphics has perfected the process and now makes custom photos figures for folks all over the country.
Currently for print design, I generate ideas and concepts, coordinate the print process and subcontract out the computer prep and printing to local shops.